
Photography and video blog. Includes recent published content, gear reviews, travel, and much more.

Karla Colletto Flatlay Images

Over the past few years, I have been fortunate to work with many return clients to produce content for their campaigns. This time, Karla Colletto reached out to produce a set of flatlay images to be used mainly on their social media channels. They typically share their bathing suits being worn, however they have seen an increase in engagement by sharing images of their products on flat-colorful backdrops.

To create these shots, I placed two Elinchrom D-Lite RX4 right in front of each other using equal amounts of power. On each strobe, I used a 66cm Portalite soft boxes to get a soft and even coating of light. To make it easy, I plugged my camera to my laptop and shot all the images using Sony’s Imaging Edge apps.

Check out a couple behind the scenes and a few of my favorite images below.


Sony A7R4, Sony 24-70mm f/2.8, Manfrotto Tripod, Tether Tools Cable, MacBook Pro, 2 Elinchrom D-Lite RX4, 2 Portalite 66cm Softboxes & custom made cloth backdrops.

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Once wrapped up, Jamie and I stopped by one of our favorite coffee shops, caffe amouri. We love their matcha tea and lattes ♡

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